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Conservation Tips

As part of our ongoing effort to inform you of ways to reduce your cost of Water and Sewage services, the following information is offered to help you conserve water both inside and outside of the home.


In the Kitchen . . .

  • Use the dishwasher only for full loads.
  • Keep a container of drinking water in the refrigerator rather than running the tap for a cool drink of water.
  • Rinse fruits and vegetables in a filled sink or pan full of water.
  • Dispose of food scraps in the garbage can rather than the garbage disposal.

In the Bathroom . . .

  • Take shorter showers. Shortening the time in the shower can save 2.5-5 gallons for each minute.
  • Check toilets for leaks. Toilets are the most common source of leaks in the home. Put a few drops of food coloring into the toilet tank, and wait a few minutes. If the coloring appears in the toilet bowl, then the flapper valve at the bottom of the tank is leaking and may need replaced. Also, the water level inside the tank should be adjusted to about a half inch or so below the top of the overflow tube in the center of the tank. The toilet is leaking if the water level is at the top of the overflow tube. Flush the toilet and adjust the plunger ball to set the water level.
  • Turn the water off while brushing teeth and shaving.
  • Dispose of trash in the wastebasket instead of the toilet.
  • Replace older shower heads (5-10 gallons/minute) with low-flow shower heads (2.5 gallons/min.)
  • Replace older toilets (3-5 gallons/flush) with water saver toilets (1.6 gallons/flush)
  • Repair dripping faucets. A dripping faucet can waste as much as 20 gallons/day.

In the Laundry . . .

  • Wash full loads only in the washing machine, or set the water level to the appropriate setting for each size load.
  • Presoak heavily soiled laundry.

Outside the Home . . .

  • Water the lawn only when it needs it. If the grass springs back when you step on it, there's no need to water.
  • Water the lawn during the morning or evening to minimize evaporation. Don't water the lawn on windy days or when there is a chance of rain.
  • Water the lawn and not the sidewalk, driveway, or porch.
  • Don't permit children to play with the hose or sprinklers.
  • Plant drought-resistant trees and plants, and place mulch around trees and plants to help retain moisture.
  • Wash your cars with a bucket of soapy water, and only use the hose for rinsing. Or take your car to a local car wash that recycles water.
  • Use a broom instead of the hose to clean paved driveways, sidewalks, and patios.

Simple Procedure to Check for Leaks . . .

  1. Locate the water meter in your home. It may be in the basement or where the water line enters your home. (Note: Water meters for mobile homes are located outside in a meter pit.)
  2. Read the water meter twice. Once at night after the day's water use has ended. Then again, in the morning before any water is used. Subtract the difference. If there is a difference between the two readings, a fixture within the home or even outside the home is leaking.
  3. Check fixtures for leaks. Repair all leaks that you find. Take a few minutes to check for leaks. You can achieve significant water savings by following the advice offered, and ultimately, reduce your cost of sewer and water service. As always, you can contact our business office with any questions you may have about water conservation.